Room 8 Elves raised £77.56 with their Pre-Loved Books and Toys Stall enterprise at the Christmas Family Fun night.
We could never have imagined raising so much money, so we can't thank you all enough for your support in donating items to our stall and for your very generous donations for the toys and books on the night.
We had a small amount of surplus stock which was donated to Barnardo's Children's Shop in East Kilbride so that they can benefit from the generosity of the wider West Mains family too.
The class had a chat about how we might donate the money raised and from the children's amazing ideas we decided we would each plan and buy a gift for a child that might not get a present this year through supporting the Cash For Kids Christmas Appeal. Room 8 Elves discovered through this enterprise that "Kindness is a Superpower".
Photos attached of the presents the children chose and their bag of goodies that was donated over the weekend to East Kilbride's B and M collection point.
Thank you again for all of your support with our enterprise project.
Love from the Room 8 Elves. X
Room 8 Elves raised lots of money!